Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Colwood Fuel Oil Depot – Air Scrubber

November 18 2020 — The Department of National Defence must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this decision, the Department of National Defence is inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by November  28, 2020 to:
Becky MacInnis, P.Chem., P.Ag.
Environment Officer / MARPAC Formation Safety and Environment
Mailing Address : Formation Safety and Environment, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt
Post Office Box 17000 Station Forces V9A 7N2

The Proposed Project

The Colwood Fuel Oil Depot (FOD) holds, and in some cases treats, composition water and oily waste from Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Dockyard operations. This oily waste is stored in large holding tanks, which currently off-gas to the atmosphere. The off-gas from the tanks contains hydrogen sulfide which poses a safety risk to the operators. The objective of this project is to vent Tanks 8, 9, 12, as well as oily water separators COW 1 and 2 to an air scrubber to remove the hydrogen sulfide risk.

The new venting system will be mounted to existing rails / pipe racks where possible, however there will be a requirement for additional pipe racks or stands along the vent run. The vent run will begin on top of Tanks 8, 9, and 12, as well as COW 1 and COW 2, and all feeder vents will converge to a single vent pipe, which will run to the pad mounted air scrubber. The air scrubber will be located south of the Electrical Building inside the compound. The existing surface is asphalt, which will need to be removed for a concrete pad to be installed. The electrical components for the air scrubber will be run from the adjacent electrical building, via existing cable tray where possible; additional cable tray will be required in areas where not available.

All surfaces inside the compound are gravel, concrete, or asphalt. There is no vegetation within the project area.

Document reference number: 1

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